Construction Hand Signal

Construction Hand Signal

(English and Spanish)

Construction hand signals are crucial to communicate with heavy equipment operators at far distances without talking. With our Construction Hand Signal Training, you will be fully equipped with everything you need to stay safe and efficient at your work area.

Call: +1 (978) 608-3377 to reserve your spot in our training, or apply below:


Construction hand signals are used to communicate with heavy equipment operators without talking, which can be crucial in a loud area. This allows you to communicate when words cannot be spoken and ensure the safety of your team. Construction site hand signals can help you indicate when to stop, go, which way to go, and if there are any dangers to be aware of. It is crucial that your team knows, uses, and understands hand signals while on a work site.

Construction hand signals are the best way to ensure heavy equipment is used properly, and the team remains safe. Shalom Environmental Training School offers ways to teach your crew the importance of these hand signals and will offer you a way to learn how to best teach OSHA hand signals.